miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

PC Cleaning

These are the steps to clean a CPU (Internal and External) and a Display Screen (External).

First of all, we have to get the neccesary materials for doing the work, these materials are:

> A little Towel
> 1 "Foam Cleaner"
> 1 “Contact Cleaner”
> A little Brush
> 1 Star Screwdriver

Cleaning the Exterior:
> To clean the exterior part of the CPU (Case) and the Display first we have to put a little amount of Foam Cleaner in the little towel and then rub it over the spaces that we want to clean.

Cleaning the Interior:

> First we have to turn off the Switch that's behind the CPU (This step might not always be posible because not all the CPUs have this switch) after turning of the switch we have to disconnect the CPU while we do the cleaning process.

> First of all we have to unscrew the screws of the Case, so the interior part (Motherboard) will be visible. For doing this we have to use the Star ScrewDriver.

> Then we have to disconnect al the cables that are connected to the motherboard, and with the little brush we start dusting the motherboard.

> We'll start by cleaning the RAM (The part that's indicated with the white arrow in the image below.)


For doing this, first we have to move the triggers that keep the RAM held down to the Motherboard, after moving them we carefully remove the RAM, then we have to clean the contact areas with the Contact Cleaner (It is the side of the RAM that goes connected to the Motherboard) also we have to clean the area where the RAM is connected with the Contact Cleaner.
> Then with the same process of cleaning the RAM, we have to remove other parts of the PC and clean them with the Contact Cleaner (Video Card, CD-ROM, etc)

> After finishing with the cleaning, we have to connect everything again and screw the case to it's place, finishing with all the process of cleaning a PC.

@Lecturas - 2010 

Check this article in SPANISH

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